
Friday, February 15, 2008

I've Been Toured

It's my turn on the Girlfriends Cyber Circuit tour.

And these ladies come up with the most fun questions! Check out a few...

As always, E. Lockhart has this way of making me reveal wayyyy too much about myself. Find out about my secret society, The Mecca-Lecca-Hi-Mecca-Highney-Ho's!

Carrie Jones, that sweetie pie from Maine, ties me up with questions about glue and duct tape. No, seriously read it. Somehow she got me to relate it to writing.

GCC Founder, Karin Gillispie gets me chatting about writer's block, a word I've banned from my lexicon. I'm way too much of a hypochondriac to even think the word!

And Amanda Ashby and I talk about my writing inspirations. And you know me, my answer had nothing to do with creative inspirations.

Thanks for touring me ladies. I had a ball!


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