
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Feel Like Chatting?

I'm facilitating a Myspace Forum chat for The Brown Bookshelf at 9 p.m. eastern, Wednesday the 23rd (un-huh, tonight).

It could be me just me, Jenn Laughren of Books Inc./Not Your Mother's Book Club and Jaz Vincent, owner of RealEyes Bookstore shooting the gip about our triumphs and troubles as small fish in the big pond of publishing. But I sure hope others show up.

Here's the deal - hard to believe, but, Borders is having issues with their sales "model" and may be closing down a few stores. Hell, in a world where Starbucks are closing stores anything is possible!

Amazon is warring with POD companies and self-published authors about their right to only sell books they publish.

Libraries are cutting hours and budgets. RIP Sunday hours at my local branch!

People are having to choose between gassing up their vehicle and buying a gallon of milk.

So, the time is ripe to talk about independent bookstores and authors and our place in the world of book retail sales.

I see it like this - we've reached the ceiling on just how tough times are going to get or we're about to. Either way, the paradigm on how we spend money and what we spend it on is constantly changing. Where books are concerned, they remain one of the least inexpensive entertainment outlets - so despite those who think the economy will be a hinderence to book sales, I'm hoping the opposite.

Chat with Jenn and Jaz, tonight, to find out how indie bookstores and customers and authors can work together to keep themselves afloat.


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