
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Write, Damn You!

It's no secret to most I've had a rough year. My dad passing, my fam's car accident and then there's the general burn out that comes from being a multi-slash (mom/wife, PR hack/writer/self-promoter).

Through it all, I've tried to maintain a writing schedule. For weeks at a time I managed to do so and then for weeks at a time I didn't. Usually when I need a break from something (like say exercise) I don't angst over it. My body or mind is tired, I know I need the break, so I take it. Guilt-free.

Not so with writing.

When I take a writing "break" either I outwardly angst or it bubbles underneath, the characters, story lines never too far from my mind making me want to run for a notebook even though I know a break is what I need.

I don't need excuses. Having a full-time job, a family and stomping the yard (aka promotion) for the Del Rio Bay series are pretty much explanation enough for why my mind is often too tired to properly engage with new imaginary characters.

But the light at the end of the break tunnel is - the new school year.

Yippe kay yay mo' fo' is back in session soon and I'm hoping it's the springboard to launch me back into a consistent and regular writing schedule.

We'll see.

On one hand, I wouldn't mind taking off a solid year from writing. I mean five books in three years, you do the math and if you're not tired afterwards, give me a call, I have some books I need you to tap out for me!

But on the other, these characters keep whispering in my ear. And while I rarely have the time or energy to hear them out, I also need to shut them up.

So, the countdown begins. In two blissful weeks both the Princesses will be back in school and I'll be back in the saddle...I hope!!!


Blogger Little Willow said...

Go, Paula, go!

10:39 PM  

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