
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'm Focused, Man! For now...

Why do I constantly run away from exercise when I know it centers me?


Am I really that hard headed and stubborn? Or could it be that seriously, there are simply not enough hours in the day to everything I need to do, want to do and have to do.

I've found it especially hard to exercise when I'm on deadline for a book. It would seem the two have nothing in common, but they do. It's that whole only 24 hours in a day, thing.

24 hours in a day and mine breaks down to something like this:

2 hours prep for school/work

30 minutes commute/school drop off

7-8 hours FTJ

30 minutes commute/school drop off

1 hour misc/prep for practice

2.5 hours cheer practice

1 hour prep for kiddie's bedtime

3 hours Fill-in-the blank/DIY

6-8 hours sleep

Ummm...if you do the math, that's already more than 24 hours. Note, there is no mention of housecleaning, dinner cooking or husband canoodling in there. And weekends are an entirely other animal that I won't bother to cover!

So you see my dilemma. Now, full disclosure, there are three days a week without I buy back 2 hours several times a week...which isn't a big deal considering I'm already running at a deficit, above.

Basically, writing and exercise must fit into either that early prep time in the morning or those 3 DIY hours at the end of the day. Or perhaps be banned to weekends only.

I am NOT going to exercise at 9 p.m. I'd be up all night - completely throwing off my perfect system. (Don't laugh!) So that leaves only morning to work out and night to write.

Don't think I don't attempt to meld them both into my daily routine, though. I worked out this morning (Billy Blanks is still the bomb trainer) and am feeling very energetic and focused. That should translate into a decent writing day (when I get the time to do it).

Now, tomorrow, I will wake up with every intention of exercising. But likely I'll also feel the tug of my deadline and have to choose. So here's the deal...

Who do I commission to get the day increased to 30 hours?!


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