
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Countdown to Contest Time

Rumor has it that someone is only a month away from releasing her next book.

And where there are book releases, there are contests!

That's right, P and Teens Read Too have joined forces, once again, to offer you swag and Advanced Reader Copies.

Never doubt that this is about getting a copy of Don't Get It Twisted into the hands of readers who have been dying to see what happens next to Mina and the clique. But, P has a special grand prize to tag along with the book this time around.

Can't tell ya' what it is, just that it's hot and me likey!

So on November first run, don't walk over to Teens Read Too and enter ye into the contest.

Until then, let the countdown begin! Six days until the contest, so...

Six Things That Make Me Smile

1) When Princess A and Bea have genuine sister moments.
Like, we went to Six Flags during their Halloscream. Some of the people walking around in scary costumes were a little too authentic for Princess Bea - so much so, she had a bad dream in the middle of the night and went running to her big sis's room. These two argue as if they're the same age. But Big Sis gladly let little sis sleep in her bed that night. It was so adorable.

2) Inside jokes with my cheer squad and Princess A.
Like, BTTW and "Man, shut up."

3) When me and the hubster both find something genuinely funny and laugh hysterically as if no one else is in the room.

4) Being in the zone when I write.

5) Driving down to my alma mater at the height of the fall festival of color (i.e. leaves changing color)

6) When Miami beats Florida State


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