
Friday, May 25, 2007


I'm not happy about my tendency to be obsessive compulsive about things.

Like, I freak whenever anyone asks me my "favorite" anything. Because I don't have faves as much as I have streaks of obsession.

Right now, I'm obsessed with Ne-yo's song, Say It and Facedown by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Once my obsession wanes, it doesn't mean I dislike those things. But they're added onto a huge pile of other songs I've obsessed over. Don't ask me to choose just one. It depends on my mood, the day, the time, the weather.

I'm also quite obsessed with Mocha Frappacinos. Mmmm!

I've promised to only have one a week. That's proving to be really hard to do. But I'm trying.

Where my OCD comes in handy, though, is for writing.

I just finished That's What's Up! the third in the Del Rio Bay Clique series. First, let me say how great it feels to not just finish, but finish ahead of schedule!

My deadline for getting it into my eddy was June 1. Hello, an entire week ahead of schedule?

Why, yes I am the shit.

No, seriously, it feels good to be finished.

And I'm not so sure about that self-imposed break I intended to take all of June. As I mentioned in another post, the idea for book 4 (Who You Wit'?)came to me last week and I've already started writing. This story has me in its grip and I can't see taking a vacation from it.

When you ignore a writing compulsion, you risk missing out on the emotion of the story screaming to be told. So no break just yet.

And typical of me - I'm done. So I should be lying back taking a nap, watching TV, reading for pleasure or something, right?

No, I'm blogging!

I have three words for you...



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