
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hot(tie) List

There's an episode of Friends - it's one of the older ones - where the gang creates a list of celebs they'd date, if given the chance. The key of the episode was that your significant other - boyfriend, husband, wife, whatever - would have to let your have a tryst with this celeb if the circumstances allowed. But only if the celeb was on your List.

It's one of those scenarios that any clique of friends can relate to. Who doesn't sit around and talk about the movie, film or music stars they'd love to have a little fling-a-ding-ding with?

So, of course after the episode, me and my friends were prompted to try it.

There were only three rules:

1) Only five celebs per list
2) No updating the List just because one of your celebs fell from grace (i.e. gained a thousand pounds and lost their hotness)
3) You had to explain why that person made your list. General hotness wasn't explanation enough.

Believe it or not, I could only find three guys for my list as did my girl, Le. We take our celeb crushes very seriously. You can't just go around crushing willy-nilly.

My husband and my friend, D, however filled their lists immediately! Seriously, they actually have a wait list.

We have yet to discuss exactly how you swap in a new celeb. I'm guessing the person on the list may have to die to be replaced. ::shrug::

Since I have some open slots I've been mulling over what hotties I want to fill them. And it's tougher than you think.

I mean, if by some odd chance I'm able to swing an episode with someone on my list I don't want to live to regret my choices.

We did this about 7 or 8 years ago and I still stand by my list!

My husband and D, on the other hand, have changed theirs several times, verbally. And yes, that's against the rules. But, you know how guys cheat.

Alright, so here's my current list:

1) Chris Webber
2) Allen Iverson
3) LL Cool J

Yes, there's somewhat of a pattern to my picks. My hubby would say it's 'cause I like thugs. Which is also the reason, according to him, that I'm a huge Miami University football fan.

The actual pattern is that I love athletic guys. I'll watch Sportscenter for the sheer athletcism of the players in the highlights. It's hot! BTW, I love The U football because they will smash any team in front of them!!

I've been a fan of Webber and Iverson since they were in college. Shout to University of Michigan and Georgetown U!

I nearly lost my mind when C-Webb was traded to the 76ers, putting him and A.I. on the same team. Woo-hoo!

It's their basketball skill that's hot to me, not necessarily how they look. Though Webber and that cutie smile of his is easy on the eyes.

And LL...well, do I really need to explain that choice? Have you seen his pecs?!?!

Alas, C-Webb has been injured quite a bit over the years. Not many seasons left on the hardwood. Same with Alley I. My Top 2 crushes are about to leave the building...and I think that is cause for updating the list, no?

I'll discuss it with the clique, this weekend.

Meanwhile, I've been noodling on a new list. Here are some of my candidates:

Young Jeezy. OMG, okay, Jeezy's voice drives me nuts. It's low and raspy like he's blowing smoke. Not normally an attractive feature. But his voice, man...whenever I hear a song with that "AY! Yeeee-uuhhhhh! ha-haa" I'm like, "Jeee-zayyy!" The man could make a whole CD with just those three words and I'd buy several copies.

Jay-Z. Beyonce's man has mad lyrical flow. Like I said, this list isn't about looks. Not saying Jigga is ugly or anything. But his lyrical swagger is crazy! He and Jeezy are featured on several tracks together and between Jeezy's voice and Jay-Z's flow the songs daggone near put me in a coma!

Daniel Dae Kim (Jin from Lost). Did you see the ep when Jin had his shirt off?! I was like, Day-um, Jin is hot!

Carmello Anthony. Another basketball hottie with sick skills and a cute smile. And also, another one who I watched when he was in college. Go Orangemen! Oh and Mello's from Charm City -that's Baltimore, if you don't know.

See what I mean? Four, is all I can come up with.

Sure, there are plenty of hot celebrity guys on this earth. But, I told you the list is permanent, right? A girl's gotta be discerning about these things.

So, who's on your Hot(tie) List?


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