
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Five Secrets of P

I've been tagged by Varian Johnson.

The rules: Each participant shares five little-known facts about themselves. Those tagged are asked to do the same as well as reiterate this guideline. All select five folks to be tagged and list their names. (Leave a comment letting them know that you've tagged them and that they may see your blog as an example.)

Okay, feeling very close to V now that he's walked the fem side and can empathize with us ladies...a little. (Still rolling, V. Still rolling!)

1. I suffer from verbal sanitation dysfunction. Now this is tricky. Because if you really know me...this, in reality, is a largely known fact (is that the opposite of little known?). But for those who only cyber know me...well, yes, P goes blue quite often. And it gets on my bleepin' nerves when some bleepin, bleep says that people who curse resort to doing so because they're not creative. You know what us sufferers of VSD say to that? Bleep that, BLEEP! Look, it's like using adverbs in your writing. Yes, you should use them sparingly and in only the most appropriate places. But sometimes an -ly word is the best bleepin' way to describe something. Well, sometimes saying "fudge" "frick" or "shoot" just won't cut it. Ya' gotta shout BLEEEEEPPP! to get it off your chest.

2. I am a frustrated dancer. I love watching and wish I could do Hip hop, Ballet and other variations of modern dance. I even took an adult ballet class about seven years ago. It was so much fun! Although, boy I'm pretty unflexible. I've had a love for dance since I was a little girl. I took ballet once, when I was about seven and still, to this day, recall that the dance instructor took one look at my body type and thought - Uhh...yeah, dance won't be your thing. I entered my daughter into ballet and tap when she was seven and she loved it. And I definitely lived vicariously through her for two years. I was crushed when she told me she wanted to stop. A year later she began competitive cheering. ::sigh:: I was a cheerleader most of my life. Cheering I know. And the fact that my daughter loves it is cool. But man, we could have gone places if she'd kept up with dance. I would so be a stage mom! "You want fame? Well, fame costs. And right here is where you start paying ... in sweat." How pathetic am I that I can still quote Debbie Allen from Fame?!

3. I've never not gotten something I set my mind to. Look, look people I know that's setting myself up for a huge disappointment one day. And believe me, this revelation is not meant as a brag. It's just fact. Once I get my mental claws into something, I will wrestle that baby to the ground until it submits. It's like I'm offended when challenged. I refuse to be refused. Some of the things I've wanted and accomplished once my mind was set:

- Cheerleading: didn't make my middle school squad in sixth grade. Rejection made me ill, literally. I had to go home early the day they posted results. Not only made the squad from 7th grade through my senior year but served as Captain two out of those six years. Take that rejection!

- Sorority: I was a complete idiot about pledging. I had no idea just how hard it was to get into a sorority until I was already there. I pledged as a freshman, a no-no on historically black campuses and a rarity on white ones. Seriously, I didn't know any better. I wanted to do it. Knew which sorority I wanted to pledge. Went for it, made it. Was Prez of the chapter by my sophmore year.

- Agency PR/Corporate PR: Got bored with nonprofit PR. I felt like my peers in the PR industry were leaving me behind. Set my mind on working for an agency. Did it. Realized that people in corporate PR think that people in Agency PR "know it all." Two years later, cashed in and sold my soul to the corporate devil. Cha-ching.

- Books: Everyone already knows this one.

As long as I use my longings for good and not evil, I think the world is safe from my over achieving.

4. I have lost 99% of my ability to relax. This is not a laughing matter. Despite #3, some days, I still feel like I'm not doing enough. My brain is in constant motion. New ideas pop up constantly. For every item I check off my "To Do" list, five more things present themselves. I'll be sitting watching TV and bam, I'll remember I need to balance the check book. Or fold clothes. Or jot down a book idea. Some weekends when me and the fam don't have any plans and I'm sitting on the couch vegetating, I go through anxiety attacks and bouts of guilt feeling like I should be doing something to accomplish my goals. Or getting more exercise. Or making the world a better place. I have no idea how to relax anymore. I was up at 4 a.m. today because I rolled over and my brain started thinking. And that was it for sleep. I tried rolling back over and ignoring my brain...but it didn't work. I try to relax. I really do. And some days I succeed. But it's an effort to simply sit still and do (or think about) absoultely, 100% nothing!

5. I'm a total softie. Being a Type A, go-getter, get things done type of gal usually equals someone with a very tough exterior. And I guess, my exterior is tough. If I need something done and I've asked someone else to help and they let me down - I just do it myself. Along the way, making a mental note not to bother to ask for help next time. I hate confrontation, it gives me anxiety attacks. But I won't back down from it. Still, I am a big old softie inside. This is something that even my closest friends might raise an eyebrow at. Then again, maybe they won't. I'm a loyal friend (even if I hate talking on the phone). I cry at sentimental moments on TV. I cry at cheer competitions, both when my girls do well or when they drop a stunt and I see the hurt on their faces. My co-coach mocks me outright for being so sappy. Me, sappy! The secret is, I am a sap. I just try not to show it too often.

Alrightie, now that I've bared my soul...I'm tagging:
Bev Katz Rosenbaum, Nova, Melissa Marr, Caridad and Laurel (girl, I can't find your blog link!!!).

Just my luck half the people I've tagged are in deadline hell.


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