
Sunday, March 04, 2007

My Girls!

Okay, so I'm supposed to be fulfiling my 100 for 100 today.

It's a writing exercise I'm doing with a bunch of writers from the Teen Lit Group. We all promise to write at least 100 words a day for the next 100 days. If I do it and do it right (i.e. actually write at least 1,000 words a day) I should be able to get That's What's Up! (book 3 of the DRB Clique series) done.

So far, I'm on track getting in my 100. And of course I'm writing more than 100. But the words aren't flowing today. Grr!

Then, one of my cheer parents sent me photos from Nationals.

Yay, a good distraction.

So I had to post a few.

Check out the little ladies that take up a lot of my time and thoughts, nine months out of the year.

Aren't they cute? A little team bonding before we hit the stage.

The Coaches are mighty relaxed before the big moment

They make me so proud! How come it never looks this pretty at practice?!


Blogger wimpymom said...

Awwww, they are so cute in their little uniforms. My daughter isn't quite that age yet but they have her on the cheer team at her school. It is hilarious because she hates it. She refuses to practice at home so if you have any suggestions, bring 'em on. Haha.


11:31 AM  

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