
Thursday, July 05, 2007

Ten Questions That Rock - GCC Style: Tanya Lee Stone

Here's the thing, if you haven't yet read Tanya Lee Stone's book, A Bad Boy Can Be Good For a Girl, now's the chance to gobble it up as a summer read. The book's out as a paperback and you know what that means, right?

Yes, now you can buy the book and a Starbuck's Frappe and still have some change after paying with a $20 bill.

What? Like no one else gets all giddy about breaking a $20 and being able to throw the change at the bottom of their purse, only to discover it like gold later when you're totally busted.

So, that's just me?

Hmmm...well, Tanya hangs out with me in the Clique Lounge anyway, despite my quirks.

Tanya? Ready?

TCL: If you could enter your MC into a MTV-style Celebrity Deathmatch, what protagonist would you challenge and why?

TLS: Nicolette would kick butt against practically anyone. Bring it on!!

TCL says: Ooh feisty. Me likes!

TCL: Shoes say a lot about a person, what type of shoe are you?

TLS: I live in my Dansko clogs in the winter; Merrell slides in the summer. Comfort with style all the way, baby.

TCL: What type of writer are you: plot-driven or character-driven?

TLS: Totally character-driven. They tell me what to do!

TCL: Word association time. What do you think when I say:

Chick-lit—I think of the anthology wars! This is Not Chick-Lit, etc..
Best seller—Libba Bray’s A Great and Terrible Beauty
Best Band Ever—Beatles
Most rockin’ author—Judy Blume

TCL: Name the Top 3 books on your To Be Read (TBR) List

TLS: Sarah Aronson’s debut YA novel, Head Case.
Dairy Queen by Catherine Murdock
Gifts by Ursula LeGuin

TCL: If you had anything to do with it, what would the next hot lit trend be?

TLS: I hate trends and what they do to writers. I vote that the next hot lit trend is nonexistent.

TCL: What celeb would you love to see play your MC on the big or small screen and why?

TLS: I'd like to see Vanessa Ann Hudgens bring out her bad side and play Nicolette.
Miley Cyrus, minus the accent, could do a great Aviva. And Dakota Fanning, in a couple of years, would be perfect as Josie. Let's face it, movies take awhile to be made, so the timing could be just perfect!

TCL: Whether it’s because you admire their work or adore them, who’s your author crush?

TLS: Once again, that would have to be Judy Blume. Her work is honest and brave.

TCL: What TV show do you watch that you’re ashamed to admit liking?

TLS: General Hospital. Religiously. For years now.

SSP: Tell the cliquesters why your book should be in their TBR list.

TLS: Do you date? Do you think you are immune to being played, taken advantage of, or hurt? Have you ever been treated badly by a boy? Do you want to head into your next relationship with both your arms and your eyes open? Read this book! You won’t regret it. Then—pass it around to every girl you want to be as wise as you. ;-)

Well, P has a thing for bad boys (so the hubster says), so guess who's gonna be reading Tanya's book? Me. And you too, go cop that joint.


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