
Friday, August 17, 2007

I Heart JA Konrath

Recently, I discovered JA Konrath's blog.

This blog is chock full of good stuff for writers - new, established, aspiring.

Having recently purged my daily schedule of reading a slew of blogs, I'm slowly discovering blogs that are worth checking in on. JA Konrath's is one of them.

If you're in need of some really sound advice from a writer more established than yourself, check it out.

Some of my favorite JA tidbits:

* Writing Myths
Myth #1Writer's write everyday. Right on, JA. I've tried it and it's just damn hard!

* Sins and Virtues for writers

Virtue: Sharing major successes with family and close friends.
Sin: Sharing major and minor successes with everyone moments after they occur. (Hmmm...)

*Promoting tips
Answer email. Simple enough and I can afford that!


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